Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Quilter's Stocking Stuffers

Our stocking is hung by the chimmney with care,
in hope that a Quilter soon will be there.

Win this great stocking filled with all kinds
of quilter's goodies.Stop by for a visit at the shop
or on our website and make a purchase before
December 24th and you will be entered in
a drawing to win this great prize.

Check out the Extra's button on the website
to fill your own stocking with our favorite stuffers.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Looks like you have some spam in the comment ahead of mine.

    I'd love to enter for the giveaway quilters stocking if it isn't too late! THanks so much!

  3. SO enjoyed your shop all my treasures. I will be back for sure!
