Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It's A Secret

I am working on a secret project. 
A mystery to you and me as well.
More information soon.


  1. Looking forward to the surprise.

  2. Looking forward to the surprise.

  3. Hi, Sheryl. I've been working on the Fussy Cut Friday stars. You started me on this journey and I'm loving it and am 'hooked' on EPP. I'm just about to begin attaching the stars to the hexies as you did in your quilt. (I have received my order of 4" hexie papers, ruler, and a few 2" hexies, too.) Since I've never EPPed before, I'm rather perplexed as to how I should go about this next step. Can you help? You mentioned making the stars into a circle - so... do I attach the 2" diamonds to the stars to make a circle and THEN attach the 4" hexie to the middle? Is there a trick to the process or do you have some hints for me? I know I must keep the papers in the shapes until after they have been surrounded so I am wondering about the bending of the papers while attaching the hexies to the middle. Any information you can help me with will be much appreciated. Thanks. bulltulip69atgmaildotcom

  4. If Carol and Yvette sign up, I'm in!
