Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Living With Little Quilts

What could be easier? Roll up a little quilt for a pop of color.


  1. I am so enjoying this little series of posts you are doing. I did buy the linen canvas and clip thingy...last one at Michael's, now I am working on getting a little quilt made for it. I love the idea because it will be so simple to just change out quilts.
    Thanks so much for all the inspiration. I do believe this is my first time commenting...I 'stalk' much;-)
    blessings, jill

  2. I am right there with Jill!!! doing the same...and always 'temecula' shop for my quilting friends and our little exchanges...we love to gift each other...and we are doing the summer sew-in!!
    Thank you for your inspiration, site cuz it is the little things that mean so much!

  3. The pictures look so beautiful !
