Friday, September 16, 2016

Circa 2016

Circa 2016 Sew Along is now over. If you would like a pattern
you can purchase a printed copy or download a PDF copy here.


  1. I see your note that the Circa 2016 blog posts will be removed at the end of the SAL. Is this the last week? Are there more weeks ahead of this program? Are you going to publish finishing directions for this quilt? Thank you for a fun SAL.

    1. We have a couple more weeks of blocks. The finishing instructions will be posted the first of October. Everything will be removed the week after the finishing instructions post. Please be sure to get all the information you need.

  2. You did some blocks during the Olympics. I did not save them. Are they part of THIS quilt?

    1. Yes, any blocks that were titled Circa 2016 are part of the quilt. You can double check all your blocks by clicking on Circa 2016 link on the sidebar of the blog.

  3. I am so far behind! But I have kept up with writing all the instructions down. I've enjoyed following along. Thanks!
