Wednesday, January 30, 2019

One Block Wednesday

Block Count - Twenty Four
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Just a friendly reminder to get your weekly
One Block Wednesday blocks done.

Just a note;
I am mixing up my print combinations by cutting
more options and will not have any two blocks alike.
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Need to get caught up all the details can be found here.


  1. I love your blocks, great fabric mix.

  2. EPP mine using the Patchwork of the Crosses elongated hexagons and squares. Looks great so far!

  3. love. does that mean if one fabric is the center in one block it becomes the outside in another with another different fabric as the center?

  4. Loved the Christmas MSAL and looking forward to getting started on this One Block Wednesday SAL. It has taken me some time to “unearth” my civil war and vintage scrapes, lol. We have had storm damage and lots of cleanup, with that behind us now, I’m hopeful I will get caught up this coming week. Thank you for doing this SAL.

  5. I’ve got a few blocks done, I can see that making them
    Is going to be addicting! Need to get out the scrap bins and start cutting!

  6. I love these... thank yhou for sharing the block pattern and motivating to get them done....

  7. It appears that 12 blocks a week is the norm?

  8. Found te note about 12 a week, and 30 weeks. I have some catching up to do.
