Monday, February 11, 2019

Temecula Treasures is Here!

Temecula Treasures is in the shop and ready for you to stop by
for a visit. We have Mini Bundles and Fat Eighths cut and
waiting for your next project. We are busy cutting the bundles
to fill all your pre-orders. Please be patient with us, 
we will get them in the mail as soon as possible. 
 Instagram is a great place to get daily inspiration and updates
Here are a couple posts you missed if you do not follow us. 
Better yet follow us today @temeculaquiltco
This selvage puts a smile on my face! 


  1. Congratulations! You deserve that smile! I want some of it all!! :)

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! Can hardly wait till I get to have in my hands so I can smile too.

  3. Absolutely beautiful!!!!! Keep smiling :)
    I'm assuming your equally beautiful BOM will be available through your shop as well? I clicked on the link and the shop wasn't listed as participating. This is Monica Sayre - can't seem to change my profile from our nonprofit Wings of Discovery

  4. Such a bright and fun line of fabric, Sheryl! Love those colors and prints

  5. Just received mine yesterday!!! Thank you so much. Your very first line of your own fabrics is beautiful! Keep on smiling! What a tremendous accomplish-
    ment! God Bless you😀❤
