Monday, March 25, 2019

Quirky Little Quilts | Quilt Along

This weeks block is one of my all time favorites and
the namesake block for the quilt we will be making,
Shoofly Sampler.
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Hop over to Martingale's blog, Stitch This!
for more details about this fun little Quilt Along
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To quilt along you will need a copy of my
first book with Martingale, Quirky Little Quilts.
If you do not have a copy you can order one here. We
have made some Shoofly Sampler kits, using Yarra Valley
the latest line from Max and Louise, you can order one here.
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Use the pattern on page 40 of Quirky Little Quilts
and make three Shoofly blocks. Be sure to post
your progress on Instagram using #quirkylittlequiltsqal
and add yourself to the growing list of #quiltersofinstagram
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Check back here on Friday for the first in a four week series
detailing the inspiration quilts for the projects in Quirky Little Quilts. 


  1. I love the shoofly block! One of my favorites! Love the fabrics!

  2. Just bought my book today and looking forward to quilt along. And, I, too, love the shoofly block. Thanks for the organizing the quilt along.

  3. Started right away making my 3 blocks! Thanks for this!
