Friday, March 1, 2019

School House Pillow

Turning any small quilt into a pillow is pretty quick and easy.
Give it a try with our School House Pillow Kit or use a small
quilt you already have. Instructions are for a 20" pillow, 
adjust dimensions as necessary for a different size pillow.
Items you will need:
One 20" quilt top, quilted with a plain back
2 pieces of fabric 14" x 20" - hem one long edge on each piece
Single or double thickness binding
With wrong sides together pin two 14" x 20" pieces to 
back of pillow top, overlapping as shown. 
Attach binding to front of pillow using regular binding method,
being sure to catch all the layers as you stitch. Hand stitch
binding to back of pillow, fill using your favorite 

Order a School House Pillow Kit here
Order a School House Pillow Pattern here


  1. How large is each individual School House???

  2. How large is each individual School House?

  3. Thank you for the instructions!

  4. I would LOVE to have one of your darling quilts!

  5. I love all your quilts---you changed my whole outlook on quilts.

  6. I love all your changed my outlooks on quilts and quilting.

  7. Love your little quilts. I live in Texas but visit family in California. I always try to stop in your shop,
