Monday, January 13, 2020

Nobody's Perfect!

Let me remind you that this quilt is probably one of my favorite
of all time, so in the end all this trouble will be worth it. 
The first Scavenger Hunt Sew Along post had a little math
 problem. I came home from the shop and tried to make it
work, but it is just not going to. So if you are one of those
 that got right on it I apologize. At least it is just one block. 
We should be good from here on out. I promise?
 The squares for the center block need to be cut 1-1/2"
instead of 1-3/8" as indicated in the book. That will
make the block 5-1/2" square, including seam allowance.


  1. The correction is interesting. I spent about 20 min this AM trying to make the original numbers work. Is the book incorrect too?

    1. No the book is correct. I just forgot that I increased my squares to 1-1/2" to make the math work a little better. It is amazing what a difference an 1/8" can make.

  2. With all the wonderful patterns and sew-a-longs you give us, you have absolutely earned a pass. Love your blog!

  3. The block looks great, even with a rough beginning. =)

  4. No worries! These things happen and everybody has hiccups occasionally. I'm super excited about this quilt!

  5. I have a cute little orphan block. I'm making the bigger block in your colors instead of the colors I was going to use. Looking forward to Monday and the next clue.

  6. Thanks! Can't wait for tomorrow's clue!!
