Sunday, April 5, 2020

Stay at Home Sampler

With a lot of extra time on my hands
 I have learned a new skill and I am sharing
it with everyone on Instagram and Facebook
Here is a little peek, follow us on 
Instagram or Facebook for the daily 
block instructions to make our 
Stay at Home Sampler

PS - I'm not sure if this video is going to work,
if it does not, click here to watch!

PSS - Facebook will not let me add a picture
with a video so Instagram is really the best choice.


  1. What a great idea!. I clicked on the IG link and saw a nine-patch and a churn dash. I'm not joined up to either Facebook or Instagram, maybe thats why the IG video didn't run for me. No worries tho, I can usually figure out how to make them. I still have my Block Tool, if needed. Thanks!

  2. I too do not do FB or Instgram. I hope that when signed up for the blog I will get the prompts and the sizes needed to make it like you designed it. Thanks in adavance.
