Monday, May 17, 2021

Mini Mondays

I love to hand quilt my mini quilts. Check out this tutorial 
for all the details. YLI has been my go to thread from the 
beginning. We are all stocked up and would love for you
to give it a try. You can order a spool or two here
I also use YLI to hand stitch my bindings down. 
Another quick tip; use a utility blade to cut a small notch
in the rim of the spool so you can tuck your thread end
in and avoid a big tangled mess of precious thread. 


  1. I also like YLI thread for hand quilting. Very few tangles and so strong!

  2. I love hand quilting and love even more the soft, drapey end result of a quilt that’s meant for cuddling up in. YLI is the best quilting thread I’ve used and I think I’ve tried them all, including perle cotton 5, 8 and 12. I’m so glad you did this post because now I know where I can purchase it. I live in Vancouver, B.C. and have a hard time finding it. I’m definitely going to sew my next binding on using it as well, never thought of that before.
