Monday, May 10, 2021

Mini Mondays

Mini Monday Sewing Bee 
Get caught up on all the details here. 
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Cutting is for one Hourglass block, repeat to make 16 blocks

This months block has a super scrappy look because I
used leftover blocks from our Timeless Tidbits project. 
I just trimmed them a bit and was good to go!
Check out our Timeless Tidbits project here.

from 2 different prints, cut:
1 square, 3-1/2" x 3-1/2"
Cut each square diagonally to yield 4 triangles.

Layout block as pictured above.
Sew triangles together in each row.
Join rows together alternating seams at intersection.
Blocks should measure 2-1/2" square,
including seam allowances.
Layout two blocks in two rows. 
Join rows together, alternating seams at intersections.
Blocks should measure 4-1/2" square,
including seam allowances. 


  1. In your past blocks you made 4 this says make 16. Is that correct? Or is it 16 triangles?

    1. Never mind just figured it out. 4 mini blocks makes 1 big block.

  2. Very good. I like. I love.

  3. Love these "mini Mondays". Such fun ideas.
