Monday, September 5, 2022

TQC Journal | issue 64

Summer Scrap Basket Sew Along
= = = Hourglass = = =

Cutting instructions are for one block = Make 6 blocks
From two different prints, cut: 1 square, 4" x 4"
cut each square diagonally twice. Two tringles
from each square will not be needed.

Layout block on work surface. Join triangles along their 
short edge. Sew the triangle pairs together, matching seams
at intersections to make one hourglass unit. Trim the unit
to measure 3" square, including seam allowances.
Make 6 Hourglass blocks. 

Join the six Hourglass blocks into a horizontal row,
measuring 3" x 15-1/2" long, including seam allowances.

Check out this post for finishing instructions and
all the Summer Scrap Basket Sew Along details. 

I got kind of side tracked from posting the Mini-a-Month.
This simple and colorful project is perfect to take your
time and do a little hand quilting. Check out this
for my tips and tricks.

Good news! I have a very limited supply of the
2022 Mini-a-Month Postcard Collection left.
If you would like one you can order here
I also have a few kits for this project
you can order one here

Next month I will be introducing the 
2023 Mini-a-Month Postcard Collection.
I have been working behind the scenes making
twelve all new mini quilts to fill the collection. 
I can't wait to share them with you!


  1. Thanks for the link to your tutorial for hand quilting! Very nice, enjoyed and learned something and hopefully will try soon!

  2. Looking forward to the new Mini-a-Month collection.
    Sweet little quilt that side tracked you. :)
