= = = = = = = Secret Scrappy Stitch Along = = = = = = =
I love a sweet pinwheel block. To cut this months
blocks you will need the following fabrics.
1/3 yard red print
1/3 yard tan print
1/8 yard cream print
= = = = = = = Pinwheel Cutting = = = = = = =
From red print, cut: 56 squares, 2-1/4" x 2-1/4"
From tan print, cut: 56 squares, 2-1/4" x 2-1/4"
= = = = = = = Making the Block = = = = = = =
1. Using the same technique outlined in Step One, make 112
half-square-triangles, trim to 1-3/4" square.
2. Make 24 Pinwheel blocks that measure,
3" square, including seam allowances.

= = = = = = = Adding the Pinwheel Borders = = = = = = =
Using the photo and diagram layout and piece the pinwheel borders.
Cut the following borders and add to Quilt Center.
From cream print, cut:
2 strips, 1-3/4" x 18"
2 strips, 1-3/4" x 20-1/2"
2 strips, 1-3/4" x 18"
2 strips, 1-3/4" x 20-1/2"
Center Medallion should measure 20-1/2" square, including seam allowance.
I love your pinwheel borders, beautiful!